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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Yorba Linda/Placentia - Region 1398


 AYSO is an all-volunteer organization and we need YOUR help to support youth soccer for our kids! 
AYSO 1398 is looking for youth and adult volunteers.


Most volunteer jobs do not require a great deal of time or effort. There are MANY volunteer positions.

If you would like to volunteer in any way, email [email protected] or just ask anyone wearing a red AYSO logo shirt (these are the board members) and they will direct you, even if you do not know much about soccer.

Our coaches complete on line courses in AYSOU and for U10 and above the coaches attend age specific training clinics  that are age specific.  The region provides coach orientations that complement that AYSO training.  The region provides coach equipment.  Coaches can select the practice days and times that meet their schedule.   

Our area of greatest need are referees. If you are interested in volunteering to become a referee, AYSO has referee clinics that you can attend. The region provides class room training and mentors to help with game day.  New referees are NOT expected to referee games played by our teenagers. New referees will start refing games of younger aged children. You get to schedule the games you want to referee that match your schedule.  Won't you please consider becoming an AYSO referee?
Youth referees (Age 12 and above) can earn community service hours. The region has zero tolerance to disrespect to all referees.  

To Volunteer for any Board Position, email [email protected]

How to Volunteer
If you can help by coaching, please contact the division coordinator for the age group that you wish to coach.

If you can help by refereeing, please attend a referee class or contact any member of the referee staff if you have questions.

For jobs directly related to your team, please talk to your team parent or head coach.

For a board member, division coordinator or regional staff positions, please contact our Regional Commissioner.

For special events (Preseason Kick off,  Picture Day, etc), please contact the director of that event.

Volunteer Requirements

  • Register in a volunteer role for the program you wish to volunteer in. 
  • Be properly appointed to your position.
  • Attend Safe Haven certification.
  • Attend training for your position and/or the annual update or meeting as appropriate (for instance the team parent meeting or coach expo).

National Partners

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Contact Us

Region 1398 Yorba Linda / Placentia

P.O. Box 1115 
Yorba Linda, California 92885

Email Us: [email protected]
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