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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Yorba Linda/Placentia - Region 1398

Coaching Corner



Coaches you can be the most influential person in a child’s life. The AYSO, Positive Coaching is a fundamental philosophy because of the vital role that a coach has. Coaching in AYSO is a chance to spend quality time with your own child, but you’ll also provide an important role model for all the children on your team. In fact, the joy of coaching is so meaningful, that many AYSO coaches continue coaching long after their own children have moved on from AYSO. Soccer knowledge is a plus, but AYSO provides training and materials so that even a soccer novice can coach effectively by starting in the younger age divisions. Being a coach involves skills you probably already have in addition to specific soccer knowledge. If you are uncertain, try being an assistant coach.

As a coach, in order of importance, you are:
• Teaching kids good sportsmanship towards all.
• Teaching players individual and team soccer skills.
• Competing to win.

Thank you for volunteering as a coach for this season.  You will find important documents and some useful tips on this page.  Check back for updates and have a great season here in AYSO Region 1398.

If you have any questions, please email your Region's Coach Administrator at [email protected]

Full Coaching Job Description

Coaching your Own Child

Practices & Games

U10, U12, & U14 will practice twice/week, while U5 - U8 will practice only once a week. Each U5-U10 practice is only for 60 minutes, and U12 and up are 90 minutes.
U5 - U8 will play games on Saturday, with U10, U12, & U14 will play games on Friday nights, and/or all day Saturday (nights, included). 

Practice locations are based on city permits and residency of our teams. 

Player Needs

What do my players need:

Shin Guards
Socks able to cover the shin guards

Appropriate Footwear (preferably Soccer cleats)
Uniform (provided by the Region as part of registration fees)
Soccer Ball (preferred, but not required)

Please also remember there will be team banners, pizza parties and snack duty. 

Ball Sizes

Age Division:Year Born:Ball Size:
Playground 2020Size 3 ball
School Yard 2019Size 3 ball
Under 6 2018Size 3 ball
Under 7 2017Size 3 ball
Under 8 2016 Size 3 ball
Under 10 2015 & 2014Size 4 ball
Under 12 2013 & 2012Size 4 ball
Under 14 2011 & 2010Size 5 ball
Under 16 2009 & 2008Size 5 ball

100 Degree Heat Rule

100 Degree Heat Rule:

  1. If the temperature is over 100 degrees, Or, if the air quality index is over 100 coaches shall cancel practice and games will be cancelled by the Region Commissioner
  2. For conditions due to fires (smoke, etc.), Region 1398 will follow local government recommendations 
  3. Parents shall be notified by the coaches when air quality is over 50 but less that 100, that the air quality is moderate. It is up to them if they decide to miss practices.
  4. Coaches and other team personnel will be vigilant in watching players in the heat.  Coaches will make sure they take frequent breaks and have players drink plenty of water.



  • Heavy sweating
  • Cold, pale, and clammy skin
  • Fast, weak pulse
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tiredness or weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

National Partners

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Contact Us

Region 1398 Yorba Linda / Placentia

P.O. Box 1115 
Yorba Linda, California 92885

Email Us: [email protected]
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